Am I doing something wrong here?



Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 11, 2005
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Now I know UB has some really dumb players, but it seems to me that some are playing really fundamnetally bad poker. The last 2 days I have ran into 3 hands that as far as I can tell I made the right plays, yet am being called and beaten by inferior hands.

By the way, this is a NL .05/.10 table. I'd play for more, but don't have the bankroll to afford it at UB yet.

Hand 1:

In position 4 with As Kh

First 3 fold and I raise to .35

I get 2 callers

Flop comes 10d 10c Qd

I go all-in for .30 more(usually a bad play but not so much this time, you'll see why later). I get 1 caller and the last 2 cards come 5s and 2d. Turns out my AK lost to an A3 of diamonds.

Hand 2:

Position 5 with As Kd, everyone in front of me folds and I raise to .35. Person in the SB raises to .70. I raise them all-in to 1.90 and they call. My AK gets flushed out by a QK of clubs.

Hand 3:

Position 4 with OcQd. Everyone folds to me and I raise to .35. I get raised by position 7 to .70. I go all-in for 2 dollars and they call. my queens vs A4 of hearts. Of course the turn brings an ace and I lose.

3 hands where I am a 66%+ favourtie before the flop. At least 2 questionable calls preflop. Am I doing something wrong, or are some people just making bad bets into hands they are dominated in?


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
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Sometimes luck isnt with you and sometimes its against. I think you made the right plays.

One thing I would say. If the flop shows 2 suited cards, and you are sitting with a big hand but no chance of the flush, make a big bet. Any decent player wont call a hefty bet chasing a flush. Any stupid player will and odds show he wont hit it.

I try to raise 5 or even 6 x the BB if I am sitting with AA, AK, KK, AQ, QQ, AJ. Dont let the chancers see the flop. I love hitting a flush when someone hasnt made a bet and I am just calling, always wins me a big pot

Good luck


Silver Level
Apr 24, 2005
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KK_Cowboy said:
Now I know UB has some really dumb players, but it seems to me that some are playing really fundamnetally bad poker. The last 2 days I have ran into 3 hands that as far as I can tell I made the right plays, yet am being called and beaten by inferior hands.

By the way, this is a NL .05/.10 table. I'd play for more, but don't have the bankroll to afford it at UB yet.

Hand 1:

In position 4 with As Kh

First 3 fold and I raise to .35

I get 2 callers

Flop comes 10d 10c Qd

I go all-in for .30 more(usually a bad play but not so much this time, you'll see why later). I get 1 caller and the last 2 cards come 5s and 2d. Turns out my AK lost to an A3 of diamonds.

This hand is easy and I can see why he called you. Any flush to the river is a 36% chance of getting it. The Nut flush of course is the best. You had a gut shot straight of 4 outs while he was getting 9 outs.

Hand 2:

Position 5 with As Kd, everyone in front of me folds and I raise to .35. Person in the SB raises to .70. I raise them all-in to 1.90 and they call. My AK gets flushed out by a QK of clubs.

Now you must remember that Ace,King isn't cracked up to what everyone makes it out to be.
Now the SB did this:
Many players feel they must defend their blinds by calling all raises even with marginal hands. Don’t waste additional money on marginal hands. Also, don’t automatically call with the small blind if you have nothing. Saving a half bet will pay for your next small blind.
Yet he had a 28.6% chance to win compared to your 71.4% just got that % thats all.

Hand 3:

Position 4 with OcQd. Everyone folds to me and I raise to .35. I get raised by position 7 to .70. I go all-in for 2 dollars and they call. my queens vs A4 of hearts. Of course the turn brings an ace and I lose.
Many players will play any two suited cards from any position and they will play an Ace with any small kicker. These hands are losers in the long run and you should avoid getting into the habit of playing them. They are traps that will cost you money. Yet though again he had the flush draw for outs.. along with a long shot straight.

3 hands where I am a 66%+ favourtie before the flop. At least 2 questionable calls preflop. Am I doing something wrong, or are some people just making bad bets into hands they are dominated in?
Nope just keep playing your game. Remember that luck comes and goes but knowledge stays forever.

A bad beat in poker is when you have a good hand that is a favorite to win beaten by another hand. Most of the time it is a hand that caught a miracle draw on the river that should not have been played to begin with. This is more common in low limit games because many players have the any two cards can win mentality. Many players will play any ace and a few players will play any suited cards regardless of the rank. Some players are calling stations that will enter the pot with marginal or terrible hands and then call all the way to the river in hopes making their draw. Occasionally they do make their hands and you suffer a bad beat.
Bad beats are a normal part of poker that a good player learns to accept. As sure as the sun rises in the morning you are going to occasionally get drawn out on the river. You will lose an occasional pot to a bad beat from these players but their bad play will lose to your solid play the majority of the time. In the long run you will make money from players who constantly chase the inside straights or baby flushes.

Bad beats are like the weather. Everyone talks about it but nobody can do anything to change it. It's a really boring subject and so are bad beats. Everyone has suffered bad beats and by constantly talking about them you will come across as a loser. If you want to talk about poker why would you want to talk about your defeats. Whining about bad beats will not put fear into any of opponents. Poker expert Mike Caro suggests you tell your opponents how lucky you have been and how the cards have been going your way. This will portray a winning image rather than that of a loser.

Just something I recently read :)


Silver Level
Apr 14, 2005
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I used to play .05/.10 on full tilt poker and would only raise with AA or KK. The reason for this is, I'm gonna get called with the type of hands I'm trying to push out, so why bother. Most people at .05/.10 tables are there for a reason, most don't understand poker strategies. Try jumping up just one level, you'll still get some bad beats, but not as much.

Nabbin Bones

Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 23, 2005
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I agree with flipper. People playing at the .05/.10 table usually don't have as much at risk as say a .25/.50 game. They play on luck, not on knowledge. You run into a lot more bad beats at the lower levels. I feel your pain, higher tables require funds to play. But the level of poker usually rises as well.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 11, 2005
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To everyone who answered my original post

As far as that one diamond flush I had put against me, I can't argue with the call I had against me after the flop. The one before the flop is the one that boggles my mind. The other 2 hands in my opinion were just bad all around.

I wish I had as much in UB as i have in TigerGaming. 29 bucks in UB compared to 517 in tigergaming. I know that level of play in higher levels does for the most part increase. Though I do see the odd bad/questionable play now and again. I play .10/.25 NL at TG and like it. I just wish I could afford to do the same with UB because I would.


Silver Level
Mar 22, 2005
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Hand 1: His call isn't as bad as you think it might be. He might put you on a bluff and thinks his Ace high is good here. Also, he has a flush draw so if you have a pocket pair or a queen, etc. he has some outs. For only .30 more with I would guess around $1.50 in the pot he is getting around 5:1 odds to call, which for a flush draw + what could be the best hand at this point isn't a terrible call.

Hand 2: You are a 70% favorite preflop and I make the same play every time if he has this hand. He just got lucky...suck it up and move on.

Hand 3: Your push is fine and your 66% favorite lost, once again the right play, the cards just didn't co-operate.

Hands 2 and 3 you made the right plays and they made bad calls, so don't sweat it.

Hand 1 you made an OK play, but your opponents call isn't terrible there.

You WILL take more bad beats at the lower limits because of the low stakes and "low-risk" factor. Keep playing solid and you will break through bad players.


Rising Star
Silver Level
May 29, 2005
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You seem fairly knowlegable about the game and that is kind of hurting you on the low-stakes online games.
Any decent player probably would have folded to you but you're playing against some people who haven't got a clue how to play sometimes.

Loose and bet crazy players are all too comon at these tables, don't go all in unless you've got the nuts, that way you'll get a couple of callers and clean them out.
Your strategy must change according to the quality of the oppositon.

Against rubbish players play very tight, but very agressive when you know you've got the cards. Some players will call anything and just leave after 5 minutes when all their chips are gone

b huey

Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 31, 2005
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KK_Cowboy said:
Now I know UB has some really dumb players, but it seems to me that some are playing really fundamnetally bad poker. The last 2 days I have ran into 3 hands that as far as I can tell I made the right plays, yet am being called and beaten by inferior hands.

By the way, this is a NL .05/.10 table. I'd play for more, but don't have the bankroll to afford it at UB yet.

Hand 1:

In position 4 with As Kh

First 3 fold and I raise to .35

I get 2 callers

Flop comes 10d 10c Qd

I go all-in for .30 more(usually a bad play but not so much this time, you'll see why later). I get 1 caller and the last 2 cards come 5s and 2d. Turns out my AK lost to an A3 of diamonds.

Hand 2:

Position 5 with As Kd, everyone in front of me folds and I raise to .35. Person in the SB raises to .70. I raise them all-in to 1.90 and they call. My AK gets flushed out by a QK of clubs.

Hand 3:

Position 4 with OcQd. Everyone folds to me and I raise to .35. I get raised by position 7 to .70. I go all-in for 2 dollars and they call. my queens vs A4 of hearts. Of course the turn brings an ace and I lose.

3 hands where I am a 66%+ favourtie before the flop. At least 2 questionable calls preflop. Am I doing something wrong, or are some people just making bad bets into hands they are dominated in?
I find players making bad bets especially at lower money tables ALL the time...keep playing your correct betting style you will always win in the long run against these fools!
B Huey

Bryan The Jew

Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 31, 2005
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If you want seriosu play you need to go to higher tables, and on most of those beats some people really don't care about the money and see it as an oppurtunity to win. Especially on the a/3 of diamonds. It is concieveable that he felt that pot odds forced him to call on his diamond draw. Therefore, he called. The clal was not right, and if a bigger bet was made he may have folded. I have found more luck on higher stakes tables.


Silver Level
Jun 29, 2005
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I think you might be playing a little too aggressively. I wouldn't be pushing all-in as quickly as you are. AK holds up quite nicely after the flop and through to the river. Again with the queens, if you slow it up a little and assess the flop you will get more info to play off.

I do agree though that players at lower limits are poorer (obviously not yourself, you need to play what your roll allows). Maybe save up a bit and push to a higher limit.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 23, 2005
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As the others have said, you are playing with $2...

People at those stakes don't care. If they lose, big deal. So they are out a taco bell burrito...

I know myself, sometimes when I just want to putz around and not take the game seriously, I will go down to the $2 buyin NL tables and just push people around. I basically am giving my money away, but I sometimes win anyway.