$400 NL HE Full Ring: KK on Axx flop multiway 3b pot oop



Silver Level
May 7, 2017
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Game Format
No Limit
Table Format
Full (8-10 seats)
Utg limp utg +1 raise to 5bb btn calls. We have KhKx on sb we 3b to 25bb both players call
Playing deepstack with btn for around 200bb eff

Utg+1 is an ultra station, might lay doen some hands on the river but poves to call pre & flop and turn, when he bets he typically has something
Btn is another station but he's a better player doesn't fold often and throws in check raises runs bluffs etx

Flop > AcTh3h
We check utg+1 bets 20bb btn calls we call

Turn > 4h
We check utg+1 check btn bets 20bb we call with the backdoor hearts for that price and utg+1 call

River > 8s

It gets checked down

Utg+1 shows AJo, btn shows KcQc

Well played?
Last session i had a really hard time iso ing players
They call almost any hand
I 3b to 15bb etc and players next to me call with garbo and the pots go multiway
Also another regular started jamming vs my flop range cbets - how to adjust to this i guess cbet less and run less bluffs?


Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2022
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Flop I would be tempted to fold already v bet and call, it's just so likely at least one of them has an ace. However bet is super small, so it seems OK to call.

Turn is similar, would want to fold but price is too good with your draw. However even if you hit you could be aginst the nut flush, so it's very marginal.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
Of course KK is a 3-bet for value, and I think, your sizing is spot on. Apparently the limper folded, but the other guys called, so 3-ways to a flop with around $75 in the pot.

On anything but an A high flop we would be happy to stack off with an SPR of a little over 2 against BTN and presumably even less against UTG+1. However the A high and I agree with starting with a check here. UTG+1 bet pretty small, and if BTN had folded, I would clearly peel one street at least. However when BTN call, you kind of have ask yourself, how often none of them have an ace?

If you are behind, you only have around 12% equity, so even facing a small bet, you are not getting the right odds to try to draw out on someone. And even more so because you might only see one card and then face another bet on the turn. So I know, it sounds really tight, but because its multiway action, I actually prefer to just hate life and make a tight fold right now.

As played you clearly cant fold now having picked up the second nut flushdraw. There might also be some merit to check-jamming as a bluff trying to get them to fold an ace. The action does not look super strong with UTG+1 checking after betting small on the flop and BTN making a same size bet on the turn. So maybe this is a good time to ask them, if they really want to put in 200BB with just a top pair, and often I think, the answer will be no. However this play would be better, if A of diamonds was on the flop, so that you at least had the nut flushdraw. So overall calling is probably better and for sure its lower variance.

Not much point in leading now, since you would never take that line with any strong hand, and maybe you are good like 1 in 100 times or so. So just check and fold to any further bets.


Silver Level
May 7, 2017
Total posts
Of course KK is a 3-bet for value, and I think, your sizing is spot on. Apparently the limper folded, but the other guys called, so 3-ways to a flop with around $75 in the pot.

On anything but an A high flop we would be happy to stack off with an SPR of a little over 2 against BTN and presumably even less against UTG+1. However the A high and I agree with starting with a check here. UTG+1 bet pretty small, and if BTN had folded, I would clearly peel one street at least. However when BTN call, you kind of have ask yourself, how often none of them have an ace?

If you are behind, you only have around 12% equity, so even facing a small bet, you are not getting the right odds to try to draw out on someone. And even more so because you might only see one card and then face another bet on the turn. So I know, it sounds really tight, but because its multiway action, I actually prefer to just hate life and make a tight fold right now.

As played you clearly cant fold now having picked up the second nut flushdraw. There might also be some merit to check-jamming as a bluff trying to get them to fold an ace. The action does not look super strong with UTG+1 checking after betting small on the flop and BTN making a same size bet on the turn. So maybe this is a good time to ask them, if they really want to put in 200BB with just a top pair, and often I think, the answer will be no. However this play would be better, if A of diamonds was on the flop, so that you at least had the nut flushdraw. So overall calling is probably better and for sure its lower variance.

Not much point in leading now, since you would never take that line with any strong hand, and maybe you are good like 1 in 100 times or so. So just check and fold to any further bets.

Online I found xf flop easily, Live idk these players have very weird calls.
Also Turn im not bluff jamming because of players being big stations and utg+1 is a station.

Its been kind of a rollercoaster playing these live games. Im currently winning but just like 4bb/hr
Im wondering what adjustments to make
last sesh was just bleeding chips because of pots going multiway


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 29, 2024
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As a general rule, I would not stick to standard 3bet sizings against live players. Depending on their behavior, it often makes sense to either bet higher or lower, depending on what you want to achieve. (And I would not worry at all about being exploitable.)

This isn't the biggest factor in this hand, but I think "let's throw in a standard-sized 3bet" betrays a suboptimal mindset.


Dark Lord of the Sith
Bronze Level
Dec 4, 2017
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Utg limp utg +1 raise to 5bb btn calls. We have KhKx on sb we 3b to 25bb both players call
Playing deepstack with btn for around 200bb eff

Utg+1 is an ultra station, might lay doen some hands on the river but poves to call pre & flop and turn, when he bets he typically has something
Btn is another station but he's a better player doesn't fold often and throws in check raises runs bluffs etx

Flop > AcTh3h
We check utg+1 bets 20bb btn calls we call

Turn > 4h
We check utg+1 check btn bets 20bb we call with the backdoor hearts for that price and utg+1 call

River > 8s

It gets checked down

Utg+1 shows AJo, btn shows KcQc

Well played?
Last session i had a really hard time iso ing players
They call almost any hand
I 3b to 15bb etc and players next to me call with garbo and the pots go multiway
Also another regular started jamming vs my flop range cbets - how to adjust to this i guess cbet less and run less bluffs?
Given the action and the three way pot our action was fine. We also consider the ace on the flop so there isn't too much room for raising. Well played.


Jan 31, 2009
Total posts
OOP possible multiway pot against diarrhea players, 5x 3bet doesn't work. I even wouldn't mind just shoving that sith preflop. (I didn't notice the stack sizes in your post. I dunno how deep you are) They probably would call with AQ JJ etc. (and probably worse)

On a table where it's always multipot a lot I tend to be more passive and rarely bluff. Not a good way to play of course, but if you have low to no fold equity what's the point of bluffing. When I do get a premium starting hand though, I am trying to get stacks in preflop.

As played, I am folding the flop. One of them has to have an A. Doesn't matter if it's garbage like A6os. He still got you beat.