Silver Level
- Game
- Hold'em
- Game Format
- No Limit
- Stakes
- $2/$4
- Table Format
- Full (8-10 seats)
- Currency
- $
Utg limp utg +1 raise to 5bb btn calls. We have KhKx on sb we 3b to 25bb both players call
Playing deepstack with btn for around 200bb eff
Utg+1 is an ultra station, might lay doen some hands on the river but poves to call pre & flop and turn, when he bets he typically has something
Btn is another station but he's a better player doesn't fold often and throws in check raises runs bluffs etx
Flop > AcTh3h
We check utg+1 bets 20bb btn calls we call
Turn > 4h
We check utg+1 check btn bets 20bb we call with the backdoor hearts for that price and utg+1 call
River > 8s
It gets checked down
Utg+1 shows AJo, btn shows KcQc
Well played?
Last session i had a really hard time iso ing players
They call almost any hand
I 3b to 15bb etc and players next to me call with garbo and the pots go multiway
Also another regular started jamming vs my flop range cbets - how to adjust to this i guess cbet less and run less bluffs?
Playing deepstack with btn for around 200bb eff
Utg+1 is an ultra station, might lay doen some hands on the river but poves to call pre & flop and turn, when he bets he typically has something
Btn is another station but he's a better player doesn't fold often and throws in check raises runs bluffs etx
Flop > AcTh3h
We check utg+1 bets 20bb btn calls we call
Turn > 4h
We check utg+1 check btn bets 20bb we call with the backdoor hearts for that price and utg+1 call
River > 8s
It gets checked down
Utg+1 shows AJo, btn shows KcQc
Well played?
Last session i had a really hard time iso ing players
They call almost any hand
I 3b to 15bb etc and players next to me call with garbo and the pots go multiway
Also another regular started jamming vs my flop range cbets - how to adjust to this i guess cbet less and run less bluffs?