As for format I recommend using the free hand converter here on CC. You find it under "poker", "tools".
No need to raise this hand, a free look at the flop is perfect.
You flop an OEDS, but even before we start to make a plan for the hand, its important to realise, that this is a pretty bad draw. The reason is, you are drawing to a 1-liner, which makes it difficult to get paid, and there is also a risk, someone else can have a 9 as well, in which case you are only drawing to win half the pot. There are also some reverse implied
odds, if a 5 come, and someone have T9, or if a T come, and someone have J9. Finally there are two diamond on the board, so Td or 5d could make your hand but also make someone else a flush.
So how do we want to play a bad draw like this? Typically we either want to play it with aggression or not at all. My preferred play here is to lead out, since its a limped pot. If you can get hands like A5, KJ or 22 to fold, thats a great outcome. And if you get raised, you can just fold without giving up to much
equity. As played with a check, when one guy bet full pot, and the other player call, I would simply fold. Yes you are getting better odds multiway, but you still need 25% equity, and there are many combinations of hands, they can have, where you have far less than that.
You make your hand, and since its such an obvious hand, its kind of unlikely, that anything worse will now bet for value. There are also two flushdraws now, so more than half the deck is bad for you potentially completing a better draw or pairing the board. Or even counterfeiting you, if a 9 comes. So its a bit of a disaster, if it gets checked through, and for that reason I like leading AKA donk betting in this situation, if I check-called the flop. You check though, UTG check as well, and now BTN makes a small bet, which look pretty weak. And for the reasons just stated I would check-raise this bet, if I played the turn as a check. Its more important to get value from BTN, when he has a hand with equity, than to try to induce a light overcall from UTG.
Now one of the flushdraws complete. Its pretty weird to lead AKA donk bet on a card, thats bad for you. If you do this, you are kind of saying, you rivered a flush, so you are actually overrepresenting your hand. Therefore as played I would also check and then most likely call, if one of them bet. But if it goes bet from UTG and big raise from BTN, then you can also fold and not invest any more.
Its questionable, if you could have gotten more value from these two pieces of cheese, and given, what they actually had, you were ahead on the flop, so folding would have been a mistake. But I still think, you could benefit from taking some less passive lines in general. Lead the flop as a semi-
bluff and also lead the turn for value instead of hoping, that someone will build the pot for you.