Chances of seeing
What are the chances of seeing a ghost? Use the map below to find out where in the US you’re most likely to spot a spirit. Explore each state to find out your odds of an otherworldly encounter.
Estimated 1972 to 2020
Ghost in Time
Our ghoulish graph reveals the busiest years for spooky sightings. Take a peek, if you dare…
Haunted History
Brush up on the best ghost ‘stories’ and reported sightings, year-by-year, with our timeline of terrifying tales. Get ready for goosebumps!
Flight 401, FLIn December 1972, an Eastern Airlines Tri-Star jetliner, Flight 401, crashed into a Florida swamp. The pilot, Bob Loft, and flight engineer Don Repo were two of 101 people who perished in the crash. Afterwards, the ghosts of Loft and Repo were reportedly seen on more than 20 occasions by crew members on other Eastern Tri-Stars, especially those planes which had been fitted with parts salvaged from the wreckage.
The spine-tingling sightings were not only reported by people who had known Loft and Repo, but also by strangers who identified them in photographs.
Mira Mesa, San Diego, CAIn 1973, Mrs Martha Burr, her mother, two teenage daughters, and her young son, were ‘haunted’ in their house, over the course of three years. Paranormal activity included knocking on the walls of the house, and a face appearing at the window....Read More
Sometimes Martha and her family were forced to flee to the station wagon in their driveway. Once, while they loaded their things into the car, the horn began to honk. The knocking began again and as they drove away, the door handles began flipping wildly and the seats pushed forward and backward — rocking each passenger. The activity stopped only when the car turned onto the freeway.
A couple living across the street, moved out of the area after strange black shapes began peering into their windows too. Other neighbors also moved house after hearing noises and glimpsing figures.
Culver City, CASqualid living conditions and a tumultuous relationship between a mother, known as Doris, and her sons were observed by an investigative team, who also reported feeling pressure in their ears while inside the haunted home....Read More
The team brought in high-speed cameras and photographers to try to capture something on tape. In one famous report, while all investigators and equipment were present, they asked Doris to conjure up the suspected otherworldly beings. She swore and yelled at the spirits and lights started manifesting around the room.
As Doris continued provoking the beings, a greenish mist began to form in a corner, before swirling and growing. Within seconds, the form of a muscular man’s upper torso became visible, leading an investigator to faint. Eerie.
Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UKThe UK is full of old hospitals, many of which have at least one ghost story. One night in 1975, Mary McLellan was working as a ward sister at the Western Infirmary in Glasgow. She was setting up a piece of equipment in a room facing a well-lit corridor, when she became aware of a “tall, silver-haired man wearing a blue dressing gown and standing near the doorway of the ward opposite”. He stood still and silent for a moment, and then vanished....Read More
Mary thought nothing of it, assuming he was a patient who had just gone back to bed. But then, “Almost immediately, the ward nurse came over to me,” McLellan recalls. “She was very upset at seeing the apparition. She recognized him as a patient who had died two days previously.” Eek.
Amityville, Long Island, NYWe’ve all heard of Amityville. The famous photo of the “Amityville Ghost Boy” was allegedly taken inside the Amityville house in 1976. It features what appears to be a young boy with white eyes, who is peaking out of a doorway. ...Read More
George Lutz revealed the photo on the Merv Griffin show back in 1979, three years after it was taken. The image was supposedly captured by a professional photographer who worked with paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Some have speculated the image could be the ghost of the murdered child, John Defeo, who had lived in the house with his family prior to the Lutzs. But others believe that it’s Paul Bartz, an investigator working with the Warrens the night that the photo was taken. Most people have yet to be convinced one way or the other; allowing the infamous photo to continue to cast its spell.
Enfield, London, UKIn August 1977, a single mother called Peggy Hodgson called the emergency services to report loud knockings and furniture moving by itself. The police officers who attended the scene witnessed some phenomena, and the Daily Mirror sent a reporter to cover the story....Read More
The Society for Psychical Research sent members Maurice Grosse and Guy Lyon Playfair to investigate. They found the activities were focused on the two young girls living there with their two younger brothers, who rarely feature in any of the accounts. American paranormal investigator Ed Warren later concluded that the children were the subject of demonic possession.
Brinton Lodge, Douglassville, PABrinton Lodge claims to be “one of the top 10 most haunted houses in Pennsylvania,” with ghost sightings taking place there for decades....Read More
In 1978, a British psychic medium named Don Galloway was visiting the US for a World War II commemoration. While traveling, Galloway supposedly experienced visions of the lodge and made contact with some of the spirits inside it.
During his visit, he stayed at the lodge for two weeks and was able to identify five of the ghosts ‘living’ there: Caleb Brinton, Caleb’s mother, Katharine Wittman (both of whom died in the lodge), a male spirit he called ‘Dapper Dan’, and the troubled spirit of a little girl.
Lamplights Inn, MIThe Lamplights Inn has been a landmark in Central Lake since 1924. But since the early 1950s, successive owners have received persistent reports of ghostly activity. A man and woman dressed in late 1920s/early 1930s garb have been seen many times by owners’ families, as well as employees and customers. The descriptions are uncannily similar, with one visitor reporting seeing the couple dancing together in the bar area, with a little girl ghost looking on....Read More
Another story describes the daughter of a former hotel manager, who was preparing to elope with her fiancé, falling to her death and returning to wander the hallway in her wedding gown. Many people have also reported seeing a former owner, who died in the 1950s, standing in the upstairs window and looking out onto the village.
Finally, in 1979, Ted Strzempek bought the inn and reported a woman in a white dress running past him and through all the boxes he had stacked by the wall. He followed her into a bedroom…only to find an empty room.
Oakwood Cemetery, MIIn the 1980s, motorists returning home from Grand Rapids at night reported a woman who stood on the corner of Brewer and Cannonsburg roads, near Oakwood Cemetery, in the rain and snow, but without a coat....Read More
According to the stories, she never thumbed for a lift or indicated that she was in distress, she just stood there enduring the elements. Oakwood was remote enough that there would have been no reason for someone to stand out on a corner late at night in nasty weather. Could she have been an apparition from the former mining town of Austerlitz?
Rodman Center for the Arts, Ripon, WIA former student at Rodman Center for the Arts recalls a rumor told by several people; that a child was killed in an accident while climbing inside a church steeple. Years later, so the story goes, the congregation moved to another building and the college used the church as a performing arts building....Read More
When Rodman was built the spirit, Raphael, supposedly moved in and apparently liked to play tricks on people. On one occasion, footsteps were hard in the hallway, but there was no one there. Another time, people were working in the recording booth of the concert hall when one of the lights over the stage started flickering. Someone yelled “Stop it!”, and sure enough, the flickering stopped.
East Dublin, GAAround 1982, it’s said there was a little girl named Gracie swinging on a tire as she plotted how to get back at her brother for an unknown misdemeanor. She decided to write a letter saying, “I hate you, I’m going to kill you.” Her brother found the note and ran over and pushed her, causing Gracie to fall off the tire swing and break her neck, dying instantly....Read More
It’s believed that Gracie has haunted the exact place she died in ever since. There is a house there and, in the room, overlooking her haunting spot, it’s said that some mornings - if it’s early enough - you can see a girl who has red eyes and is swinging.
Old Stanley Hotel, COAt the Old Stanley Hotel, which is well over 100 years old, an elderly gentlemen that once resided there and who suffered from schizophrenia frequently described seeing a woman in a white dress floating over his armoire, and claimed that when he would reach out to her she would disappear....Read More
Several unexplained incidents have occurred over the years, including a fire on the third floor in 1983. During the fire, some say they saw the devil in the flames. Mysterious footsteps have also been heard and during one incident, someone was spotted up there, but no one was ever found. Window shades at the hotel have also been known to roll up and down by themselves occasionally.
Could all this be something to do with the original owner of the hotel? George was killed by a horse and buggy in front of the house. His wife, Maude, never recovered and always felt he was still with her…maybe he was.
Delmont, PA (US)Ever heard of the house haunted by John McCory? The house in question is a two-storey wooden farmhouse, but…there are actually two of them, and they are completely identical....Read More
Back in 1984, McCory was sent to an insane asylum for killing his wife and two children in the back yard. After he was released, he built a replica of the house and hung himself on the back porch.
At this haunting location, feelings of being watched and not quite alone are often reported.
Silver Rim School, NVCharles M. Keller, principal of Silver Rim School from January 1985-June 1992, learnt of strange happenings at his school, including lights turning off for no reason, teachers feeling they were being watched, mysterious rapping sounds, and a sighting of a male apparition....Read More
Inspired, Mr. Keller wrote a ghost story called, “Jake, The Ghost”, as a Halloween treat for the children, teachers, and staff - but it only led to further reports. One teacher heard scuffing footsteps in the hall late at night and went to investigate. She saw nothing, but the steps were still coming towards her, so she climbed out of the window to escape.
It was not until the summer of 2006, however, that Mr. Keller learned the identity of the supposed ghost. In September 1903 there was a Chinese race riot and, during the chaos, a man by the name of Ping Ling was badly beaten and hit with a hatchet. He eventually bled to death on the road, as he tried to leave town. And that road just so happens to be the same one that runs between Silver Rim School and the Mormon LDS Church…
Oak Hall and Laurel Hall, CTOak Hall and Laurel Hall at the University of Connecticut, as well as the woods surrounding the campus, are shrouded in mystery. The halls were supposedly built on an Indian burial ground, and the stretch between the two still scares some people so much that they will not walk it at night....Read More
Mysterious drums have been heard, and Laurel was even exercised in 1986 after a knife flew across the room and stuck in the door. While, in the woods, there is a small cemetery and the ghost of a small girl has been seen walking around.
Old Miners Memorial Hospital, KYOld Miners Memorial Hospital and ARH Regional Hospital was built in the 1950s and, as it was previously the only hospital serving five counties, it saw many deaths....Read More
It was abandoned in 1987 but, despite being turned into an office building and part of the University of Kentucky, the spirits inside did not rest. Sightings include chilling name-calling in the hallways, and a strange black form knocking people off their feet in the old mental ward. It’s no surprise that many of the security guards quit.
Watertown High, CTSometime between 1988 to 1993, a high school football star committed suicide by hanging himself from the bleachers of a playing field....Read More
According to reports, the boy’s father was the football coach and found his son’s lifeless body while on his morning jog. His son’s presence has since been felt in the hallway of the school, particularly near the locker room, where he had prepared for games. Witnesses describe the feeling of getting chills down the back of their neck every time they walk by.
Cowpens Fire Department, SCCowpens Fire Department was under construction in late 1989 and early 1990. A lieutenant for the department, Robert Lee took daily pictures of the progress of the new station....Read More
But this is where it gets spooky…tragically, in March of 1990, Lee suffered a fatal heart attack while on duty. It has been said that Lee has since been seen and heard throughout the station, with many members believing he is there to watch over his fellow firefighters.
Keller Dorm, State College, PAA stairwell in Keller Dorm was the site of a student suicide. Since then, there have been rumors that certain rooms have been the setting for strange and spooky events....Read More
In the early 1990s, a student was repeatedly locked out of their room, and one night ran out screaming because they were sure their bed was occupied by someone else…but nobody was there. When the student came back with help, the door was locked and they heard the whole room being trashed by poltergeist activity.
Mays Canyon Road, Guerneville, CTThese spine-tingling stories began around June of 1991. One night a young man was driving along Mays Canyon Road when he thought he spotted a woman standing in the middle of the road. She appeared suddenly; at first he thought he’d hit her, but later he realized he’d passed through her figure with his vehicle....Read More
Not long after, a girl with no knowledge of the previous sighting was walking along the road at twilight, when she encountered a woman walking in the opposite direction. They chatted briefly and parted ways. Later, it was discovered that her description of the woman matched that of the woman who had been “run over.” Spooky.
Dallas Mill, ALAlabama’s Dallas Mill was built in 1891 and burned down in 1992. It is said to be haunted by not one, but two ghosts. The first is supposedly a man who died while cleaning the smokestacks, shortly after the mill was built. It’s also reportedly haunted by a homeless person who lived there after the mill burned down, with people claiming to have seen him wandering around the ruins. What a ghost magnet.
Shopping center in Palatine, ILIn front of the shopping center there once stood the old Browns Chicken & Pasta restaurant, the site of the infamous Brown’s Chicken Massacre of 1993. On a cold January morning, police found seven murdered people stuffed in freezers in the back room, apparently victims of a robbery. The building stood empty until the following year, and then became a dry-cleaning establishment....Read More
People began experiencing very violent, and angry vibes, while some felt sudden drops in temperature, even during the height of the summer. Nearby residents even claimed they heard faint shots and screaming during the evening.
When it finally went out of business, the building was torn down…yet the oddities continued. In May 2002, nine years after the restaurant murders, the two killers were finally apprehended. Since then, there have been no more reports of ghostly sounds. It would seem the spirits are finally able to rest.
Deltona, FLThere is a ghost who is sometimes seen by the janitors of a school in Deltona, Florida. Rumors suggest the phantom is a man who was caught in the gears of the clock tower and died while the school was being built, in 1994....Read More
Some students have reported hearing a “ghost bell”, while others have spoken of a strange vibe in the clocktower elevator. There is also talk that the teachers’ parking lot, which is close to a cemetery, was built on old unmarked graves.
The Dorsey House, MIThe Dorsey House is located near Port Huron in North Street, Michigan. It is said to be haunted by a ghost known only as Ira, who may have been killed in a bar fight in the parking area of the original building, which was then torn down in 1995....Read More
In the new structure there are reports of water faucets turning on and off, toilets flushing randomly, doors opening and closing, and lights switching on and off. A few people have even seen a ghost-like image in parts of the building.
Frontier Middle School, Moses Lake Washington, WAOn February 6, 1996, Frontier Middle School changed forever. Student Barry Loukaitis, stepped into his algebra class with a high-powered hunting rifle and opened fire on his classmates....Read More
Since then, both students and teachers claim they can still hear the echo of gunshots and screams from that part of the building. Many students attest to also feeling a sense of panic whenever they are in that area.
The Vogue, CAThe Vogue opened as an 800-seat movie theater in 1936 and boasts very spooky credentials. Nine entities have been documented since August of 1997, including six children, an adult female and two adult males....Read More
The well-known ghosts here are “Fritz”, a projectionist, who died in the projection booth, and a maintenance engineer. Other ghosts include a school teacher and her students, who were killed almost a century ago when Prospect Elementary School — which used to stand on the site — burned down.
What’s more, it’s claimed that most visiting film crews have had paranormal experiences inside the theater too.
Hester Hall, KYThis story begins in 1998, when there was a fire in Hester Hall at Murray State University. A young man was purposely trapped in his room — room 402 — and is said to have eventually died from smoke inhalation just outside the hallway, close to the elevator....Read More
The cursed dorm reopened, but a former resident claimed there was a scary presence. Eventually, the room was emptied and supposed to be locked, but there were reports of it being unlocked and opening on its own whenever someone entered.
Meanwhile, in nearby room 406, across from where the death occurred, there have also been reports of a scratching sound on the door…
Everett, WAIn 1999, Bill Stien, a taxi driver employed by Everett Yellow Cab Co. suffered a heart attack in the parking lot at Mallard Cove Apartments. He is said to have haunted the building ever since....Read More
The driver’s ghostly traits include sneaking into people’s apartments on an evening, picking up the phone and writing down a real address. In the morning, residents apparently find his mysterious notes by the phone, and the door left open. People who have seen Bill describe his ghost as a man in his late forties, wearing a Mariner baseball cap, sweats, and holding a beer.
Crestview, FLIn 2000, a new hotel was built next to Cracker Barrel, off Interstate 10 in Crestview, Florida. But within a year, things started getting scary....Read More
An apparition of a man was seen walking through the hallways of the second floor, and frequently spotted hanging around the elevator. Employees claim that the man haunts room 208, and guests have complained of strange smells, as well as cigars and cigarettes being left to burn.
Anniston High School, ALThis is the legend of Anniston High School’s locker room and its vengeful ghost. The story varies in details, but the main facts are almost always the same: a girl is running late after sports class, returns to the locker room to retrieve a purse she left behind and sends her friend to hold the bus. As she returns, a man tries to attack and kill her, but instead ends up dead himself after the student pulls a set of lockers down upon him…but the body is never recovered....Read More
When the cops arrived to inspect the scene, so the story goes, they only found the lockers, the girl’s purse and a pool of blood. Many say that the attacker’s ghost still lurks, waiting for vengeance. A similar incident reportedly occurred when another student was left alone in the area, and many have heard ghostly footsteps, lockers closing, and creaking doors.
Fayetteville, PABack in the early 1900s, a young woman is believed to have taken her own life, as well as her baby’s life, in a pond in Fayetteville, Pennsylvania....Read More
Known as ‘the white lady’, she is said to come back looking for her baby at night, and spook drivers by riding on the backs of cars and trucks.
In 2002, a man was returning home late one evening and drove by the pond bank. The white lady suddenly stepped out in front of the car, causing him to have an accident. When the cops arrived, he told them about the lady, many cops didn’t believe him… but one did, as the same had happened to him nine years before.
Lynwood, CAIn 2003, a young man aged 20 was brutally killed while riding his bicycle. People have since reported seeing a man riding his bicycle and then disappearing, and there have also been accounts of a young male laying on the floor and asking for help, before vanishing — all in the very same spot where the murder occurred.
GE Plastics, Albany County, NYThe site of GE Plastics used to be Becker Farm. The original farmhouse is still intact and was used as offices, on and off, until 2004. There were many stories from employees about spooky goings on and that’s no surprise....Read More
Former farm owner Mr. Becker is said to have caught his wife having sex with one of the slaves. The affair led to tragedy, as Becker is believed to have pushed his love rival down the stairs to his death, before brutally killing his wife with a knife, and hanging himself in the basement.
Ever since, people have recounted tales of lights blowing out in the basement, strange smells like perfume at the scene of the wife’s murder, and a sense of being watched on the stairs. Guards even say that motion detectors and alarms go off in a bizarre order, when the building is completely empty, and that sometimes it appears as if someone is walking through Becker House. But when they check the system, no-one is ever there.
Blue Hole Creek, TNIn 2005, a resident recounted an unnerving incident after she and her husband purchased a home near Blue Hole Creek, on Hidden Cove Road in south Soddy Daisy....Read More
“My husband noticed something the day we moved in,” she said, “he literally looked like he had just seen a ghost. Apparently, he chased a ‘little boy’ that he initially thought was our son, around the house. Our son was two at the time. The thing is…our son was in his room with my mom, playing.”
Later, her husband described the little boy as wearing overalls, a striped shirt, and a 1930s-style hat. But his wife insisted that it was probably just a reflection on the glass…until the couples’ son developed an imaginary friend…who was also a little boy. The couple later divorced, but eventually the family began to notice strange things again, including toys being placed in the bathtub, doorways, and in front of the refrigerator.
Eventually, a friend’s father, a pastor advised them to pray and place holy water in each room. Everything seemed quiet afterwards, but the family ended up moving about three months later. And the next owners lived there for just two years.
Fredericksburg, TXHomes were built on an old settler’s cemetery, and residents reported hearing crying babies, seeing settler women and men roaming their halls, and odd things like randomly falling pictures. Additionally, every year in early February a faint apparition apparently appears and floats throughout the neighborhood....Read More
In 2006, as they were building the Dallas North Parkway just east of the area, several bodies were uncovered in unmarked graves. Could this be connected?
Deer Park, WIDeb S told that, back in 2007, she and her husband lived in a house on Highway 46 in Deer Park, Wisconsin. She described the house as “very haunted”, with an “odd feeling to it”....Read More
Unsettling occurrences included a pantry door that would open on its own, a floor lamp that would turn itself on, small items regularly moving around the house, footsteps regularly heard in the hallway when nobody was there, and a cold bedroom with a TV that would switch on and off.
In one instance, Deb recounted that her and her daughter saw a man, which they thought was her husband, come out of the house but then go back inside. When he returned he was wearing a different shirt, so she asked why he had changed…but he had no idea what she was talking about. It was then that they realized they had seen a ghost.
Main StreetAnother submission claims the writer, identified only as Lauren, saw an apparition in her Main Street home when she was a teenager. The ghost was apparently about five-feet, two-inches tall, with long hair and a long white dress....Read More
As an adult, in 2007 or 2008, the writer claims she visited her childhood home. She was sleeping in one of the bedrooms at about 3am, when she heard a loud whisper. “It said my name twice,” she wrote. “I knew my youngest sister was in the bedroom above me so I texted her to see if she had said my name. No response, she was sound asleep. I called my fiancé, I was so spooked.”
Fort Rucker, ALJeb from Fort Rucker lived on Boyce Lane from 2009-2011, and submitted his story on “From the first day we stayed in that house I always felt as if I was being watched” he wrote. “I would always see a dark figure out of the corner of my eye, and when I would turn to see it fully it would be gone.”...Read More
He described doors opening and closing with nobody around, and hearing noises when trying to sleep. But one day, he was sleeping in the living room and woke to see a girl standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“She stared at me for about five seconds and then she vanished,” he claims, describing her as having long jet-black hair and a white dress.
Mountain Youth Academy, TNA former Mountain Youth Academy student from Mountain City, told about a spooky incident in May 2010....Read More
“I was due to graduate high school, and my mother was supposed to pick me up,” the student said. “I saw a woman with white curly hair, a nurse’s hat, white polo shirt, beige khaki pants, and white shoes. She stood half-way in my door and called me by name. She told me that my mom was on her way, and I was going to be late.”
“As I was in the restroom getting dressed, a staff member came to my door and asked me what I was doing. I told her that someone had just come to wake me up. She informed me that it was four o’clock in the morning and that no one had been to my room. My roommate told her that we both heard and saw the lady wake me up.”
The student asked to have the camera footage reviewed but — you guessed it — there was nothing on the tape.
Morton, PAThomas lived in an apartment complex in Morton between 2011-2012, when he had an eerie experience. “My apartment was facing the railroad,” he explained. “One night I went to take out the trash. It was about midnight when I heard a train coming. It was strange because it wasn’t the usual time. I saw a bright light shining. There was no train but a ball of light was traveling on the rail. It disappeared right where the white fence ended.”...Read More
“I quickly walked back to my apartment. I looked again through my window, and I saw what looked like a man in black clothing with a candle in his hand. It was like he was floating. I was getting very nervous and scared. I turned away from the window. I looked back, and he was gone. We moved out a couple of months after that.”
Blackwell, MOA resident from Blackwell told of a creepy Christmas encounter in 2012. “Me and the girls were admiring the tree we had just put up. I had a Santa hat on and was about to take a picture when something slapped me on the back of my head, knocked off the hat and sent it sailing across the room.”...Read More
“I looked around to see who may have pulled this prank and no one was there. I froze with fear, then one of my dogs ran and hid, and my brave puppy started barking and snarling at the office across from the dining room. I couldn’t move, but as soon as I mustered up enough courage I said, ‘what are you doing here? Get out’.
To my horror, the chair at the desk moved and the dog went crazy. I called my husband and told my small children to stay in their room.”
Wheatfield, INAmy described a nerve-wracking experience in Wheatfield, at 2:33am on July 30, 2013. She woke up to the sensation of being choked. But this wasn’t the first time, as she explained: “When I fall asleep on the couch in the living room, every single night I am awoken by choking. This has been happening to me for so many months now that I can’t even remember. If I had to guess, I would say about six months.”...Read More
“I’m afraid to go to sleep again tonight because I’m scared it will happen again. I have had it with whoever, or whatever, is doing this to me,” she continued. Amy also experienced having her hair touched and feeling someone get into her bed. No wonder she couldn’t wait to move out.
Flat Rock, NCGreg had lived in Flat Rock for almost 20 years and in May 2014, was trying his new bike out on Red Fox Lane. It was about 6:30pm when he described seeing, “a woman with a toddler walking on the left side of the small road. I thought it was a little odd to see a woman with a small child taking a walk in the wooded area with no sidewalk.”...Read More
“When I saw them they were maybe 200 yards from me. As I rode my bike, they still looked like they were about 200 yards from me. Once I got closer…they disappeared.”
Philadelphia, PAAsha moved into a share house in an old building, which had been built in 1915. In May 2015, she described being in her room with the door shut, while her husband was asleep. “The light in the hallway was on, as it was the common area, but it was about 3:00 am, so the place was quiet”, she began....Read More
Suddenly, a shadow under the door caught her attention, and it hovered around for 10 seconds. She waited for the front door to open, or for the stairs to creek, but heard nothing. Puzzled, Asha finally awakened her husband to tell him and he then informed her he’d heard voices in the kitchen area, but no-one else had been there. “I was like ‘oh heck no!’”, she continued. “By that time, we both agreed that the place is haunted.”
About two weeks later, Asha was told by one of her neighbors that someone had been killed on the front porch, just a few years prior. Both her and her husband continued to feel a strong presence, and soon afterwards moved out.
Ahmeek, MIMarie reserved a rental apartment in Ahmeek, from September 30, 2016 through October 2, 2016. But something wasn’t right. “From the time I walked through the door I felt something was wrong but couldn’t explain it. I felt scared, but nothing had happened,” she told More
“I was unable to fall asleep the first night. Finally, after I did fall asleep, I dreamt a demon-like creature climbed over my daughter. Then it sat on me and choked me. I woke up gasping for air and screaming. It was so incredibly real.”
“The next day I felt fine and not threatened…until sundown, and again I began to feel fear. I packed up and headed home. I truly feel there was something bad in that place and chose to listen to my intuition.”
Fort Knox, KYOne November evening in 2017, Paul finished work at Fort Knox and went for a walk with his dog. “I was on the trail that parallels Wilson Road,” he said. “You can see clear into the woods at night. I don’t spook easily in the dark, and my eyesight is good.”...Read More
“I was walking and scanning the area ahead as I went. I am very familiar with the trail and surroundings” Paul explained. “I saw the clearing come up on my left about 15-20 meters ahead, but what I wasn’t expecting to see was a tall shadow, average male height, moving next to the bushes towards me at a walking pace. It was distinctive in shape and darker than the surrounding area. It alerted me enough for me to actually turn on my white light.“ But…there was nothing there.”
“He was gone! There were no trees or bushes overhead to cast a human-like shadow anywhere. I was spooked and felt very uneasy. I reached my turnaround point and headed back. I later looked up Google maps and located a small cemetery about 200 meters south of that location.”
Florence, KYBill worked at the Florence Mall for about a year, between 2017-2018. One day he was talking to his manager, when all of a sudden he saw a man run to the back of the store. “The store kept the back door locked, so I would have heard somebody exit that way,” he explained. “My manager and I searched the whole store and found nobody.”...Read More
But that wasn’t the only strange incident, as Bill noted “I was working the evening shift by myself when I heard somebody yell my name from the back. I looked all around and again found nobody. Another night I was reading a book because the mall was not very busy. I felt somebody put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and…” You guessed it…nobody was there.
Cumberland Center, MEAn anonymous report from Newell Ridge Road, Maine, in February 2019, describes a “dark figure on the side of the road” next to a forest....Read More
In what was an “extremely spooky” situation, the driver turned and looked back at the figure and saw something they “would never forget”. The figure, noted as having the shape of a human, had a totally dark face with no facial features.
“I got really scared,” continued the driver. “I almost hit the tree on the other side of the road. I looked again the rear-view mirror, and it was still there. I looked towards the road ahead and looked back again, and the figure was gone. What a night.”
127th Avenue, AZCheryl from Arizona submitted her spooky story around March 2020. Describing “paranormal activity” in her home, she detailed hearing “voice(s) in the spirit realm,” when in her ground-floor and second-floor bathrooms....Read More
“I hear these words ‘I don’t want to be here in this house. I don’t want to go back to the house. I am scared to go there’. There have been more words, but…I am suddenly much more interested in listening now that our roommate sent us a photo of a comb that landed on its spine, when it fell off of the bathroom sink.” Yeesh.

Spookiest sites: Top 10 most haunted hotspots in the US
Which are the most haunted places in the US? Prepare for paranormal activity if you visit one of these scary spots — from haunted hotels to eerie ocean liners…
1. The LaLaurie Mansion, New Orleans, Louisiana
Madame Marie Delphine LaLaurie was a Louisiana socialite, known for hosting ritzy soirees in her mansion in the French Quarter of New Orleans, during the early 19th century.
Guests gorged on fine food and champagne, unaware of the grisly scenes unfolding two floors above. When local police responded to a kitchen fire in 1834, they discovered the bodies of several horribly mutilated slaves in the attic.
A mob stormed the house, prompting LaLaurie to flee to France. People have since claimed to hear the phantom screams of her victims spilling from the house in the dead of night.
2. The Shanghai Tunnels, Portland, Oregon
Portland was one of the most dangerous ports in the US during the early 19th century. It was the epicenter of ‘shanghaiing’ — a form of human trafficking. According to local lore, swindlers preyed upon unsuspecting men in the local saloons, which were often outfitted with trapdoors that dropped victims directly into underground tunnels.
These men were then supposedly held captive, drugged, and eventually sold to ships as unpaid laborers. The tunnels are said to be haunted by the aggrieved spirits of captives who died in the dark recesses beneath the city.
3.Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia
This menacing Gothic-style prison opened in Philadelphia in 1829 and became the first in the US to implement solitary confinement. Prisoners languished in gloomy cells with virtually no human contact, with hoods placed over their heads when moved.
Proponents of this system believed it would lead to penitence and, ultimately, rehabilitation. Critics believed it incited emotional anguish comparable to physical torture.
When the prison closed in 1971, it is believed that the ghosts of the inmates took back the prison. Visitors claim to see their apparitions wandering the corridors and hear mischievous whispers in abandoned cell blocks.
4. R.M.S. Queen Mary, Long Beach, California
This ocean liner sailed the Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967, often carrying Hollywood celebrities like Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn. But in 1939 she was stripped of her amenities and began her second life as the ‘Grey Ghost’, a World War II troopship.
After the war, she was restored to her former glory, but on Halloween 1967, the Queen Mary departed on her last cruise, eventually docking in Long Beach, California, her final resting place.
The ship is reportedly haunted by the spirits of those who died aboard, such as the young sailor who was crushed to death by a door in the engine room, and a crew member who was murdered in cabin B340.
5. Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast, Fall River, Massachusetts
On August 4, 1892, the bodies of Andrew and Abby Borden were discovered — they had been bludgeoned beyond recognition in their home. The prime suspect: their youngest daughter, Lizzie.
The Borden case unfolded under the media spotlight, capturing the attention of the nation, and has since been adapted into a Lifetime movie. Despite allegations that Lizzie had financial motives, she was ultimately acquitted due to lack of physical evidence. The Borden home has since been converted into a museum and bed-and-breakfast, where guests can see gruesome photos of the crime scene and sleep in one of its reportedly haunted rooms.
6. The Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado
One night in this hotel, nestled in Colorado’s mountain wilderness, inspired Stephen King’s best-selling novel-turned-horror-film, The Shining.
Massachusetts couple F.O. and Flora Stanley opened the isolated resort in 1909 and reportedly never left. According to staff, Mrs. Stanley can be heard playing her Steinway piano in the music room at night, and Mr. Stanley occasionally shows up in photographs.
There have also been reports of bags being unpacked, lights turning off and on, and echoes of children‘s laughter heard in the hallways. Paranormal experts rate the hotel as one of the nation‘s most active ghost sites.
7. Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Weston, West Virginia
This asylum opened to patients in 1864. It was designed by architect Richard Andrews to maximize sunlight and fresh air with the belief that the building itself would serve as a healing environment.
But by the 1950s, the facility — designed for 250 people — housed 2,400 patients in crowded conditions, with afflictions ranging from alcoholism to epilepsy.
Patients were physically restrained and often given inhumane treatments, such as electroshock therapy and lobotomies. After more than a century in operation, the facility was forced to close in 1994, but you can imagine that any remaining spirits would be angry.
8. Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California
The Winchester Mystery House is one the most disturbing construction projects in history. Following the death of her husband and child, Sarah Winchester — the wife of a rifle-maker’s son — was informed by a seer that her family was killed by the ghosts of gunshot victims.
To keep away the vengeful spirits, she commissioned the Victorian funhouse-turned-macabre-dwelling that you see today. Some of the creepier features include staircases that lead directly into the ceiling, doors that open onto brick walls, and windows that take you to secret passages.
9. Hotel Monte Vista, Flagstaff, Arizona
Flagstaff’s Hotel Monte Vista has its fair share of ‘paranormal guests’ who have truly overstayed their welcome. This includes a long-term boarder who had a habit of hanging raw meat from the chandelier in room 210, and two women who were thrown from the third floor and now attempt to asphyxiate male guests in their sleep.
There’s also reportedly an infant whose disturbing cries have sent staff members running upstairs from the basement. Actor John Wayne is even said to have had a paranormal encounter here.
10. St. Augustine Lighthouse, Florida
The St. Augustine Lighthouse is well-known for its otherworldly visitors. Several tragic events occurred at the now-historic site. One of the first was when the lighthouse keeper fell to his death while painting the tower; his ghost has since been spotted watching over the grounds.
Another event was the horrific death of three young girls, who drowned when the cart they were playing in broke and fell into the ocean…
