Silver Level
I know this has been discussed before, but it still facinates me. Brings out my love for poker.
Caro shows when & why folding AA can make you money.
Scroll down the page about halfway for Caro's example:
Also, like in the recent locked KK cash thread, I'm always interested in the "what if's": What if your stack is bigger? Say 50K? 100K? Where's the threshold to call this and make it worth trying to move up and win the tourney? Anyone care to try the math?
Caro shows when & why folding AA can make you money.
Scroll down the page about halfway for Caro's example:
OK. There are three of you left in a tournament, and $750,000 remaining to be awarded. The money will be divided as follows: $400,000 for 1st (40% of an original $1,000,000 prize pool); $250,000 for 2nd (25%); and $100,000 for 3rd (10%).
You have $9,000 in chips (plus $1,000 invested as the big blind), and
Jack has $369,500 in chips (plus $500 invested as the small blind),
and Jill has $370,000 in chips and is first to act.
Just as you look at the cards just dealt to you and see a miraculous pair of aces, Jill moves her entire $370,000 stack into the pot. You begin to say, “yum-yum” when Jack adds his $369,500 to the $500 already blinded. Both your opponents are all-in. Should you call?
Of course not! .......
Also, like in the recent locked KK cash thread, I'm always interested in the "what if's": What if your stack is bigger? Say 50K? 100K? Where's the threshold to call this and make it worth trying to move up and win the tourney? Anyone care to try the math?