Reading and exploiting betting patterns



Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2005
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Does anyone have some infor on reading and exploiting betting patterns of your opponent. Playing mictro sng's at the moment and thought this could be useful info.


Silver Level
Mar 28, 2009
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Well I'd tell you to take ft poker academy, but after I did I played in the small sng's and started loosing playing the way they taught me, went back to how I play and things turned around. When I sit down at a table unless I have excellent hole cards I keep folding and watching the patterns of the other players. When I'm in a freeroll and suck out early I watch different tables and make written notes on players I've played against before.
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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5 Signs of Weaknes
(this isn't my stuff and is actually copied from somewhere. I don't have it written down where I got it from, otherwise I'd post it on here... hope this is okay??)
1. Limping. This is especially the case where a player is folded to in middle to late position. Think about what hands they could play that would justify not raising. Big pairs and high unpaired hands (A-K, A-Q etc) play best for a raise. This leaves small pairs and hands such as suited connectors. If a pre-flop raise does not take the pot immediately then a continuation bet on the flop will usually do the trick.

2. Over-betting On A ‘Dry Flop’. When an opponent suddenly bets twice or even three times the pot on a flop which contains very few draws they are often weak. Why bet so big with a set or an over-pair? The most likely holding is a medium pair and depending on the opponent you may have an excellent chance of taking the pot, either by re-raising now or calling and then betting big on the turn. Be careful to take a note of any player who would do this with strong hands.

3. Checking The Flop. Sure, certain opponents will check with the intention of check-raising. However the flop check usually means exactly what is implied – weakness. The position of the player checking should be taken into account, if the flop has many straight draws or a flush possible then a check behind could indicate a drawing hand. If an opponent checks behind from position on a ‘dry’ flop then betting out when a safe turn card appears will often take the pot.

4. The ‘Weak Lead’. When an out of position player bets into the pre-flop raiser for a small amount weakness is often apparent. The thinking here is to look from the opponents viewpoint as to what hands they would bet. For example with a strong hand such as 2 pair or trips a check-raise would be in order – after all pre-flop raisers usually continuation bet when checked to!

5. The Button Steal. A single raise when folded to on the button does not imply weakness. However if an opponent raises every single time when they are folded to here you can deduce that they are doing this regardless of their cards. This sign of weakness can present excellent opportunities to pick up chips with a well timed re-steal from the blinds.
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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6. (forget the name of it)... when a player bets the same amount on the flop & turn... usually around 2x min. For weak players this is often an indicator of a weak hand like MPMK (flopped mid pair med. kicker). They feel they 'have to' bet, thinking that if they just check it'll look weaker than if they bet out small.
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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As far as reading the players goes... first off look to see who's playing too many hands (obvious one) and more importantly check out all hands after showdown and then re-trace the hand to see what they're doing & why they're doing it. Lots of things to look for (ie. are they betting out on their draws, do they call wide on the blinds (ie. do they LOVE A-rag)... good to know especially for later stages of the SNG, especially when it comes to push/fold game, are they 'Flush Masters' (fall in love with any two suited cards.. ie. limp in EP with crap like J-6s and then call LP raises out of position) ). Tons more of this stuff to watch for.
You might want to try taking a look at some player's suggested note-taking as it'll go into detail of things to look for (patterns, tendencies, etc.)
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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BTW B.C. ROCKS!! Welcome!!


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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poker orifice u have such good words of wisdom i appreciate all ur info


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 23, 2008
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It's really a matter of watching all of the action and taking good notes any time something notable happens like an unusually small or large bet, a bluff, a switch in betting during the hand, etc. Minbetting in a ring game for example - some people do it with nothing to try and take the pot down cheap, some do it when on draws, some do it with big hands to induce a raise. Some people bluff on the river then stop betting entirely if they get a caller, some keep bluffing. Note any patterns you pick up on and watch for that situation to come up again.

It may seem futile at first because you won't see the same players a lot, but over time you'll start seeing them again and you will have trained yourself to watch for the patterns.


Rising Star
Silver Level
Apr 14, 2009
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sometimes i min. bet (if i'm chasing) too keep the one who really has a good hand from betting bigger. he thinks he's trapping me, and when i do catch up it's too late for him to realize his mistake. always remember people's bets even from hands before. um... use pt3. take notes, lots of notes. those rag lovers be careful of best in a sng to leave the table and find a new one, because they are extremely unpredictable, or wait till you have a monster hand. (notice micro sng's really doesn't seem like texas hold'em, but more like texas chase'em). here's another tip for exploiting another's betting pattern.

seem loose, but play tight. this might sound bad, but if you notice someone betting maniac, then feed him chips, call. call. fold (even re-raise when he calls and raises the next hand fold). (hehe micro table only). set him up a few hands, and let him feel like he can bully you all the time, and be extremely patient. then trap him, (throw in a re-raise so he calls) then knock his teeth out for the lost chips wit interest. (other people may also feel you can be bullied too seem weak, be strong. people don't remember that poker isn't just the cards in your hand, but like chess it's always good to set people up for later hands. ex. showing a bluff, then raising the same amount wit the nuts.

good luck i hope i helped.
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
poker orifice u have such good words of wisdom i appreciate all ur info

AIIiiiii-iight I only wish you listened to some of my rantings peach68. With an extensive poker library and a Rainman at your beck & call...... you'd think _______,.... umm... maybe best if I stop right there, lol.

This here (up above) sounds more like a lead up to something else?? Perhaps you're seeking a transfer to ... .umm.. could it be Fulltilt?

Fuh ged abow dit
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